The Scottish Government has announced plans to review the devolved nation’s council tax system to make it ‘fairer’.
It said that as part of a joint programme with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), ‘expert’ independent analysis would be commissioned to model possible scenarios and reforms.
The analysis will inform public engagement later this year, including ‘town hall’ meetings held in the autumn, before Scottish Parliament debates the findings.
But it is unlikely that any new legislation would be introduced before Scottish elections next May.
Finance secretary Shona Robison said: ‘By working closely with local authorities and listening to the public, we will be seeking a consensus on a local taxation system that is fairer, financially sustainable and fits a modern Scotland.’
The SNP has consistently pledged to overhaul Scotland’s local levy system, and the Government consulted on making council tax fairer less than two years ago.
Shadow cabinet secretary for finance and local government Craig Hoy said: ‘The SNP promised to abolish council tax back in 2007.
‘It tells you everything about this government’s incompetence that they’ve delivered nothing after 18 years in power.
‘Now, after almost two decades, the Nats’ big idea is yet another talking shop to kick the can down the road.’