An extra £350m will be invested to boost the number of affordable homes and more will be done to stop rogue landlords getting benefits, says the deputy prime minister and housing secretary.
Rayner said the Government was ‘driving forward’ on its plans to improve housing standards and deliver 1.5 million homes.
Around £300m will go to the Affordable Homes Programme and could deliver up to 2,800 extra homes, half of which will be for social rent.
The remaining £50m will go to the Local Authority Housing Fund. The Government estimates this will see over 250 more council homes built.
Cllr Adam Hug, housing spokesperson for the Local Government Association, welcomed the funding boost.
‘This announcement will boost councils’ ability to build desperately needed affordable housing for local communities.’
The deputy PM also confirmed that plans to crack down on exploitative behaviour by criminal supported housing landlords will be unveiled next week.
They will include a new licensing scheme, tougher standards, and the ability to stop housing benefit going to rogue landlords.