Many local authorities are 'firefighting' their way through cuts and focusing too heavily on reducing staff, according to a new report.
The Skills for Local Government report found workforce planning is becoming increasingly difficult for local authorities as budget cuts are forcing them to focus on a basic head count and workplace reductions instead.
According to the report, workplace planning is also becoming more complicated as local authorities outsource services, take part in shared services arrangements, and develop new service delivery models.
Written in partnership with Birmingham City Council and the Local Government Association, the report said that old workplace planning methods are 'not irrelevant' but must operate in three dimensions – strategic and business vision, workforce planning and HR implementation skills.
Skills for Local Government Employer relationship manager, Bob Ross, said: 'Workforce planning is not a new concept. It has been applied in all sectors of the economy in one form or another for many years.
'But like many aspects of local government, it has become more complicated in recent years due to the operational environment in which it has to take place.'