A rebranding project to improve perceptions of Sheffield will help boost tourism and economic growth, according to the local authority.
Sheffield City Council has unveiled plans to make Sheffield one of the UK’s top five most attractive cities for ‘trade, tourism and talent’.
It cites research suggesting that improving people’s perception of a city by just one decimal place equates to a 5% rise in economic value.
On a scale of 0 to 5, the current perception of Sheffield is 3.5, and a shift to 3.6 would mean an additional £70m for the city, the study suggests.
The council aims to improve perceptions with new web content highlighting Sheffield’s global impact.
This will include promoting the city’s craft brewing scene; its climbing facilities, used by the Olympic team; and its ‘Grey to Green’ urban planting scheme, a climate change adaption project recognised by the UN.
Digital content will also highlight Sheffield’s Centre for Child Health technology, which was a world first; the city’s impact on the evolution of electronic music, and how Sheffield pioneered the rules of football.
The chair of the council’s economic development and skills committee, Martin Smith, said: ‘The work to develop our city’s visual identity is nothing short of inspiring.
‘I am confident this will have a positive impact on our city, local businesses and residents by helping us attract more visitors and talent and set Sheffield apart from the rest.’