All non-teaching staff at Shropshire Council are being offered voluntary redundancy in a bid to reduce the council’s workforce.
The council, which must save £80m over the next three years, is changing the way it operates including introducing a zero-budgeting approach for all departments. These means managers will produce a business case for money needed in each department rather being given a set budget.
The changes will mean the council will look to reduce its workforce so all non-teaching staff can apply for voluntary redundancy. Council leader, Keith Barrow, said: 'The fact is that councils are now a very different place to work than they were five or ten years ago, and as we continue to commission more services we will need fewer and fewer staff on the payroll.
'We are absolutely committed to keeping compulsory redundancies to a minimum, and by offering everyone the chance to apply for voluntary redundancy we hope to significantly reduce our workforce without the need for compulsory redundancies.'